ABOUT US Ria Hennink, MA. Ria offers mediumistic consultations, holds lectures and organises spiritual workshops and courses which are the curriculum of the Tourmaline School for Creative Spirituality & Healing that she founded in 2011. As an artist she combines her mediumship with her artistic work when she draws spiritual portraits of the deceased. She worked for the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs in The Hague and in the Middle East as a consultant. In Holland she was active as a free lance translator Arabic, French and English. In the nineties she started a career as cultural attaché at the Royal Netherlands Embassy in Berne, Switzerland.
Hans Vet, Msc, MA, Hans started as spiritual healer in the late nineties and became a teacher at the Healing School of the Swiss Association of Parapsychology. He managed the contemplation Centre of “Haus Parzival" in the Berner Oberland for a period of twelve years. Today Hans’ healing practice is part of the Tourmaline Centre. He is an architect and worked for the United Nations and the Dutch Ministry of Development Aid. Upon his return to the Netherlands he set up his own architectural office. He served as treasurer of an anthroposophical housing organisation. Hans specialized in organic architecture at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland, where he was hired as an architect for the reconstruction of the big hall of the Goetheanum and also joined the group of decorating artists as a sculptor.