HISTORY - HOW WE CAME TO THIS Since we met, our ideal or dream was to create a place where several people can live and work. In the 1980s we lived in a community in the centre of the Hague in The Netherlands. This community of mainly students resided in two historical buildings (including a shop), that we managed for a company whose goal was the preservation of historical monuments. When we moved abroad in 1987, our idea had germinated in our minds. We realized that the environment of a monastery allowed people the protection and security and a certain way of living. About nineteen years later this vision finally realized when in 2005 we established Haus Parzival, that we managed until 2018. Haus Parzival became a temporary “spiritual” home for many different groups. Here we started the Tourmaline School for Creative Spirituality & Healing in 2011. In 2018 Haus Parzival was purchased by a family as a site to run their seminars. We continued the Tourmaline School in Moutier. However, now we are about to realize the final step in manifesting our ideal by setting up a new centre, located in a rural setting, that will foster people’s desire to live a spiritual life.
PHILOSOPHY HEALING THROUGH SPIRITUALITY "The actual conscience of time is changing rapidly. Insights that were seen as inviolable ten years ago, are collapsing. New opinions arise, which after a short time are pushed aside by others. From those who are seen as innovators, is expected that they constantly reform their ideas in several matters and that they adapt oneself. The person who doesn’t follow the newest developments in the economical battle, will be run over and loses in such a way very easily his independence. This battle for life is so intensive and strong, that it requires all the physical and spiritual powers. It is difficult to come to rest and restore the inner forces” 2)
"Many people are looking for new spiritual forms and contents. They try to connect the daily life with family and profession again with spirituality. For many people living among great masses of people means stress and overload. They live in noisy cities with pollution, cars, computers and with working hours that do not correspond with the natural human rhythm. These people end up out of balance, so that they lack harmony, joy and refreshing spirituality. They do not radiate any longer a strong power or healing energy. They need physical and psychic renewal. The modern individual is looking more than ever for peace and quiet, to find themselves again. (…) Out of these desires the idea of the Tourmalince Centre for Creative Spirituality and Healing Centre came into existence.” 3)
“Through the materialistic upbringing and education, the modern human being is more and more cut off of his inner motivation and ideals. His soul is getting numb and destroyed by technical appliances, through which he is losing the possibility to act from his own spiritual ideals and powers and to give form to his life. Instead, a human being who can be manipulated comes into existence, who in one way or another never becomes an adult."
In modern society it becomes more and more difficult to act out of the social impulses and to establish communities of free people, because the actions of the people are continuously more controlled and corrected from outside. Their Self is made inactive. Out of this develops an image of a society, that is organized without the active commitment of the individual." 4)
2) Karl Bäschlin, Einführung in die Anthroposophie, …….. 3) Prof.mr. Johannes Wessel, Jura Nova 4) Dr. Harrie Salman, die Heilung Europas, 1999 Novalis Verlag Schaffhausen Z